Minh-Hieu H. Nguyen

PhD student · MSc. Psychology 

I began my academic journey as a student of psychology with a special interest in neuroscience. This path led me to the Theoretical Cognitive Science Lab of Dominik Endres, where I spent two and a half years as a student assistant. In this role, I conducted motion capture and VR experiments and managed a variety of technical and organizational tasks. 
To expand my research skills, I completed my bachelor's thesis on "Perceptual comparison of movement primitive based models in online experiments" under the supervision of the same lab. This research-focused period was instrumental in igniting my interest in computational science.

During my master's program, I delved deeper into psychological methods for my thesis under the supervision of Daniel Heck. The research was on "Item-specific effects of dilemma scenarios in the CNI model of moral judgments," which involved cognitive modeling with a multinomial processing tree.

During my undergraduate studies, I was an active member of the Psychology Student Council for about seven years, including three years as an elected council member. This responsibility enriched my professional path before I joined the Psycontrol Lab where I am now a PhD student, the same lab where I held the position of student assistant, which served as a transition to my current research role.

Currently, my research focuses on investigating the networks of subjective experience in thoughts and emotions in the context of mental health and well-being. In addition, my responsibilities extend to the Sappiens project, an AI-tailored solution that aims to predict depressive symptom changes, thus providing practitioners with an innovative approach to improve the effectiveness of depression treatment.

In the future, my goal is to become a certified psychotherapist, which will allow me to delve into the fascinating world of psychotherapy research. Combining my deep-rooted interests in psychology and (computational) neuroscience is the cornerstone of my academic focus as I strive to make a contribution to the understanding and treatment of mental disorders.



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Prof. Dr. Hamidreza Jamalabadi

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8
35039 Marburg

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